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Grab Web3 Design

Designing a Crypto product as a Product Design Intern in Grab


Product Design Intern


Grab Financial Group - Web3


Aug - Dec 2022

5 months


In my time at Grab, I collaborated with PMs, designers, researchers, and engineers to envision, design and execute projects in the Web3 space.

Crypto Design

Designing a new Crypto feature

As one of my main projects, I designed the user experience for a new feature in the Crypto project, taking the feature from concept to a high-fidelity prototype.


This process included discovering and defining the problem space, user research to listen to users' needs, journey mapping, ideating, and prototyping.

As the product has yet to be launched, I am unable to share more right now.

Please contact me at to find out more on this case study.

Graph Interaction Enhancement

Improving Crypto Graph Interaction

In this project, I improved the data visualisation with visual and interaction design, to allow users have a smoother UX in monitoring crypto. I also worked with the engineers to address lag and jerky interaction, as well as introduced haptic feedback.


The result was a more informative and responsive graph, with immediate visual and haptic feedback given to support ease of tracking (see gif).

This project is now successfully developed in Grab! 🥳

This project has yet to be launched. Contact me to find out more about this case study!

Takeaways 😌

The user comes first, always 🙌

Innovating in the Web3 space was a challenge that I embraced, especially designing for our target users in mind - crypto intenders/novices.

Make informed design decisions 🤓

Research and analytics should be used where possible to understand users and inform your design choices.

Recommendation from my manager 🙏

Shoutout to an awesome team! I am really thankful to have worked with an inspiring team of designers, pushing for innovation in the Web3 space. I'm super glad that my manager also recognised my efforts throughout the course of the internship and pushed my growth as a product designer as well, further developing my passion for UI/UX.

Thank you for visiting my portfolio!
Stay connected with me:

©2021 by Kwok Yan Qi

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