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Marketing Campaigns

For various internship companies & social service organisations

Let's Talk About Endo - FYP Campaign

Led design direction and branding in a campaign to raise awareness of Endometriosis, empowering young women to seek medical help at an earlier stage

Client Management Internship at The GAS Station

Developed social media strategies, content calendars, and graphic designs to serve clients' needs.

Clients range from real estate agents to property management companies.

Marketing & Design Internship at Acceset

Developed marketing strategies and designed marketing collateral such as social media posts, posters, infographics, and EDMs.

Planned and executed digital marketing campaign that led to 130% increase in sign-up rate for company’s platform.

Campaign for Boys' Town: Volunteer Graphic Design

Content creation for Boys' Town's marketing collateral and Instagram using Adobe Illustrator and Canva.

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©2021 by Kwok Yan Qi

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